Te Ara o Puanga




Welcome to Te Ara O Puanga

This unique, environmentally responsible development comprises 41 apartments. The innovative design on a small site allows for a split-level series of interconnected volumes. Every effort has been made to create quality accommodation and it is our privilege to manage this complex and all who sail in her.


Property Manager



Ashley Edwards

E : aedwards@leaderspm.co.nz
M : 0275731960





Building Manager

Michelle Burke
Alive Building Solutions

E:  michelle@abswellington.co.nz
M: 027 2844848






There are instruction manuals for every appliance, in a folder in your apartment. Please familiarise yourself with the operation of each, before using the first time (including specific recommendations on products to be used). Misuse of any appliance or incorrect product use resulting in any remediation will incur a charge to you for attendance and repair.
Instructions for use and care are also detailed on the specific appliance website.



You will be issued with one security key for your apartment and one security access tag per person. Please ensure that you have these with you whenever you leave your apartment.
Should you misplace your set, the replacement will cost you $135 (Inc. GST)

Please note that your security access tag will also give you access to the rubbish room.



In order to maintain a high level of security in the building, we ask for your cooperation in observing sensible protocols.
Don’t allow anyone to follow you through the security entrance (unless you know them to be a fellow resident)



Please do not hang washing on balconies nor place pot plants directly on the surface of the deck. Please be aware of your neighbours at all times (noise carries) and do not smoke/vape.


There is bicycle/mountain bike/electric bike secure storage available, for an additional $5 per week. Your building access security tag will need to be programmed accordingly. Please note that this facility is for the secure storage of BIKES ONLY. Nothing else is to be left in this room.



There are 11 carparks in the driveway (numbered 10 to 20 inclusive). These are rented separately. Please do not park there, unless you have a numbered carpark included in your contract.

There is no visitor car parking available at all, and the designated LOADING ZONE is only available for contractors who are regularly attending the buildings on site.

There are, however, MEVO cars available, in the eight dedicated MEVO parks under the apartment building, for your convenience.
Simply download the MEVO app on your smartphone and sign up. For more information go to


The electricity supply for your apartment is supplied by Contact Energy, with TENCO appointed as the electricity network service provider. All tenancies feed off this supply, but individual apartments only pay for what is used. A detailed invoice based on your actual meter reading will be emailed monthly. It is important that you complete the sign up form with Tenco, and liaise directly with them. The hyperlink to the ‘Apartment building change of tenant form’ is as follows.


When you vacate the apartment, please complete this exit form and email to TENCO (otherwise you will keep getting charged) 





Click link: Evacuation info & fire alarms




The ventilation and fresh air systems are interlocked, so that they work together to keep a balanced pressure in the apartments.

The fresh air system works by bringing in air (so each apartment sits at a positive air pressure). This is designed to prevent condensation build up and keep the apartment dry.

Configurations can vary within the complex, but generally, there are 3 fan switch locations (living area, bathroom, laundry). All run on timers as per specifications

With the fresh air, there is also a "heat" switch. THIS DOES NOT HEAT THE APARTMENT. It is part of the overall system, designed to take the chill out of the air being brought in, to around 15 degrees. 

This 'heat' function can not be run separately (i.e it will not run if the fresh air fan is off) 



The costs associated with any false alarm that has been the result of negligence and/or carelessness of a particular apartment occupier, will be payable by that occupier.

The NZ Fire Service charges for each call out ($1,200 plus) and there are associated costs incurred by the fire alarm and security companies – please take care. This fire alarm clause will also be in your sign up documentation/tenancy agreement.



We recommend pouring water down floor wastes and running the sink taps if individual apartments are unoccupied for a period of time. The floor waste gulleys and sink traps dry out if not used, allowing unpleasant smelling air to escape.


Your apartment has fibre and ONT. You simply need to arrange a connection with your own provider.



The postal address for Te Ara o Puanga is: 

Apt X / 30 OWEN STREET (X is the apartment number) Newtown, Wellington, 6021

NZ POST will have access to the letterboxes in the entry lobby. Please clear your letterbox regularly. You have been issued with a key that belongs specifically to your letterbox.

NB: Couriers or other delivery people cannot access the building. If you are expecting a delivery, please ensure that you are home to receive it (or have it delivered to your workplace)



Please be respectful of the general surroundings, and be aware of a fellow occupier’s right to enjoy a quiet, peaceful environment. Parties or large gatherings are not permitted – Te Ara o Puanga is within close proximity of Mary Potter Hospice. Please be particularly conscious of your neighbours when using the walkway between the houses at 60 and 62 Mein Street.



Pets are not permitted at any time, nor under any circumstances.



No plants directly on the carpet.  


Five bins are provided for residents use only. These are located in the rubbish room by the Mevos.

1 large bin - General rubbish
1 bin – Cardboard and paper
2 bins – Glass
1 bin – General recycling

Cartons and boxes must be clean (no food scraps please) and must be broken down and flattened before depositing in the bin.

Large items that don’t fit in the bins must be disposed of elsewhere – please do not leave on the ground or beside the rubbish bins.

No rubbish (or belongings of any description) are to be left in the foyer, in the hallways or outside apartment doors.

Once again, consideration and mindfulness for your fellow occupants of Te Ara o Puanga apartments will be expected, and appreciated.


***General Waste

Please dispose of all your general waste into the steel waste bin that is situated just past the bicycle shed.  This bin will be emptied 5 days per week.

Please ensure all larger items are collapsed as much as possible.

Please do not leave any general waste in the rubbish room.




Te Ara o Puanga is a smoke free building (including balconies).

Please show respect for the environment and fellow residents.



There is no central TV aerial system installed at Mary Potter Apartments

The outlets shown are RJ45 data outlets – they are cabled back to a hub in the comms box under the apartment DB. Smart Tv's only.